Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, October 10, 2009


Arini, 8 tahun lepas,irfan declare aku awek dia..muahahaa..since tu,kitorg kira dh brape bulan kitorg sesama..tup2,mlm ni irfan wish aku hepi 8th anniversary..mcm x caye jek..kejapnye rase..but still,aku blom knal dia btol2 lg wpon selama 8thn dh rapat..all these while,mmg ade ups n downs but still acceptable n forgiven..doa aku,semoga hbgn ni,smpai ke akhir hayat aku..sbb bg aku,dia la insan terbaik yg sabar dgn aku..luv u abg!(mak aiii..jiwang)muahahahah

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

semalam yg 09.09.09

smlm tarikh sgt lawa n indah..bg aku,sgt indah sbb aku kt msia bsama mak n abah..smlm jugak mak beria2 suruh aku renew driving license..ingatkan kenapa..rupanya,nk suh aku drive ke sana sini..sia malas..huahua..bile dh renew,br perasan tarikh yg lawa tu tertera pd kad lesen tu..bagus lah mak!!..tp disebalik yg indah ni,ade je nk bg x indah..ni kisah di pej pos lah..mula2 pg kt area umah ni,boleh plak dia kata kertas nk buat lesen abis..aku rase sini xdela padat pn penduduk..xpela..aku ke bkt kayu hitam plak..2x aku terlepas simpang,malas nk u turn dah..abis minyak..last2,aku decide nk singgah je mane2 pej pos on d way ke a.staq..then smpaila ke pej pos ni..aku tgk xde org..so,berbekalkan ilmu customer servis di bank2 lame aku,kalo xde customer,boleh je ke kaunter terus,xyah amik2 no..TAPI,boleh plak staf tu arahkan aku amik no giliran..laaaaa..x belaja customer servis ke makcik? aku pon malas ckp byk dlm bln2 posa ni,turut jela..pastu xsempat duduk,dh kene pnggil no aku..expected kot..bongoks..geram sngguh..rupanya makcik tu ngelat..pas kt kwn seblah dia..adoi,cemane la nk maju pej pos kalo ade lg staf2 cemni..semoga makcik tu dihantar ke training lepas ni ttg cara2 handle customer..
ape lg yg best psl tarikh ni? tu jela..agagaga..xde dah..tp,serius,bile dok jauh dr mak bapak disamping unemployed ni,bahagia sbb semuanya disponsor..ckp je nk ape,semua nye dibelikan utk dibawa blk ke uzbek..tp sbg anak yg baik,xdela aku amik kesempatan..... (poyo)
dah tak tau nk merepek ape..masih spt dulu,aku malas nk upload gmbr..nanti2 la..hihi

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Jangan gembira sgt..nanti menangis

Kata2 kt atas kena tepat kt btg idung aku arini..i had really a good time in Istanbul smpaikan lupa pd pesanan mak yg satu ini..sngguh,byk sgt ketawa di Istanbul..siapa yg x gembira bila dpt melawat 1 negara baru yg jaaaauuhhh beza dr Uzbekistan ni..arini,aku jejak kaki je ke pintu umah,aku dh dgr bunyi Koshka mengiau..dia ni kecik..so mengada lebih..kuat sgt bunyinya..
Kami melangkah masuk dan hanya Koshka yg sambut kami...Mana Mushuk?aku cari keliling umah yg sempit ni..mmg sah xde..tp aku dpt kesan umah kami ada pengunjungnye ketika kami bergembira di Istanbul..aku xleh tahan dah airmata ni..biase la..bile dh start nangis,mmg tiada hentinya..
Irfan bz kemas tempat berak 2ekor tu..dia x hiraukan aku pon..aku masuk bilik,baring n meraung sbb tu je aku rase aku leh buat time tu..aku x puas hati irfan xde perasaan..padahal Mushuk dia bela dr kecik..then aku tanya n dia jwb "sb tu sy buat2 bz..sy nk lupakan kesedihan sy"..aku rase bersalah sbb xpuas hati kt dia..then umah kami sunyi..masing2 layan perasaan...
Tetibe aku xde mood dh nk tulis..nk upload gmbr pon xde selera..tnggulah smpai aku btul2 bleh terima ape yg jd arini..

Thursday, August 27, 2009


hmmm..arini maybe 1 of d bestest day in my life..1st time in Ramadhan i dun have to cook for iftar..Dilya,my student invites me to her bday party tonight..Dilya learns english with me every mon wed n friday..she's actually gf to my hubby's fren..but i heard they end d relationship last week coz that guy will further his studies in UTP...patut la she didn't turn up for d class last week..normally i'll ask d reason for not coming..but since i tau psl tu,i malas la nk tmbh parah plak kat dia..i thot dia mmg nk quit d class but now,i dun think so..i was in her shoes when irfan was attached to tashkent starting last yr after we engaged..i feel lonely while he's not around..but time heals all..alhamdulillah,now i'm with him..but i dunno about it later coz so many conflicts laahhh opis dia nih..malas fikir..just go wit d flow..
d ultimate happiness of d day is that i received the box of foods supply frm my family in msia...hehehhe..dah mcm kedai runcit woo umah ni..malasnye nk unpack..byk sgt2..pastu ade baju raya mak sponsor for both of us...sgt cantik n i always admire mak's taste..i like it so so much...utk him pon muat je dia dh try..cayalah mak,ingat tu size menantu..agagagga
esok,kami akn ke istanbul..xsabarnye rase...excited..bkn senang nk dpt jln2 cemni..so,wait for d update of my trip ke istanbul.. ;)..sblm tu,esok i update psl mkn2 umah Dilya tu..ok..daaaaa

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Finally,i'm blogging..

Fuhh..finally i've decided to start blogging again..i started last year in August but i stopped..d main reason is malas nk update..hehe..but i think this time i'll be more serious n always update my blog since i hv nothing to do..full time housewife n staying in alien country is complete package for me to hv plenty of free time.. ;)
Well, where shd i start eh? hmm..being married to my 1st luv in life(serius i xpenah couple b4 met him) for 2mths now as u can see d ticker..so far,still in honeymoon mood n byk lg benda yg i kene adjust e.g xleh melawan slalu dah n ape2 benda yg buat,kene refer to him..mmg pyhla for a stubborn girl like me to adjust in 2months time ni kan..but, i'm trying my best to be a good wife to him n diredhai Allah,insya Allah..
7July09 was d day my life change totally..i left msia n follow him here in Tashkent..while at d airport,i feel sad to see my parents face,terutama abah la..but luckily,he didn't cry at all n mak hold her tears but ngalir la jugakk..me,huh..toksah ckpla..ratu airmata..ahahaha..dlm flight, ended i sleeping all d way n woke up only for meals..i've never been in a long flight before..plg jauh penah pg pon jakarta..after we reached our cute little house(or flat i might say),i broke into tears for like 1 hr la kot..xtau nape..suddenly felt really empty n lonely..kesian him trying hard to pujuk2 me..not that i regret my decision,but i just felt like crying..kan ratuu...hehehe
Now,nearly 2months i'm being here in Tashkent..what can i say so far,its not that bad afterall..every weekends,him will take me for jalan2 around Tashkent..so far tempat feveret is Yangiabad(xsure spelling) n El Padrum..why i like them so much?hehe..1 tu jual kristal..1 lg tu jual selendang2 cantik..biasela pompuan..mane leh x shopping..talking abt this,sini xde shopping malls pon..adeh2...sedih gile la..i ni,kalo kt msia,lepak shopping malls jela keje..dating pon situ jela..but in here,locals like to go for a walk at taman2..ade byk taman2 keliling tashkent..but i br pg 2 rasenya..letihla..summer..hangat!!
Until now, only once i went out frm tashkent..we went to Bukhara..only 2 of us..but we had our tourist guide in Bukhara..she was ok laa..but strict sgt in telling d history of each places..e.g kene smpai btul2 dpn pintu tmpt tu br dia start cerita..if tanye towards nk smpai tmpt tu,nanti dia reply 'later i tell after we reach there"..masalahnye,dh nk smpai sgt2 dh pon n dah nmpk buildingnye..cehhhh....the best thing abt Bukhara is we can only walk to all places that can be visited..seriuosly,we can save money frm taxi..sini semua benda pon mahal..mainly coz of our RM x laku here in uzbek..hv to change to USD then change again to Sum..talking abt duit,here d bigggest note is 1000sum but most of d things being sold is 10ksum n above..just imagine berkepuk2 duit nk bwk bile pg mane2..dun dream of having wallet here..i punye purse,selamat dlm laci x berguna pon..hihi..
Amboi,terpanjang plak 1st entry ni kan..bkn ape..nk summarize cerita dh berbulan2..but i still hv plenty of time for updating about my life here..dun worry..hehe(mcm la ade follower)..nway, i nk give my special thanks to my dearest for d support given for me to blog again n also to my frens yg penah suruh2 i tulis blog..ha,kan dah buat ni..blk msia,aku claim belanje dr korg..hihi..really hope blog ni xkan buat korg muntah darah nk bace..xkisahla kalo muntah pon..aku mmg dh tau aku xreti sgt2 nk puitis2 mcm org lain..ni pon mcm esei BM time spm..ahahah..tgk..melalut lg aku..until next entry ya..daaaaa